Hospeco Brands Group

is proud to welcome Supply Source and its Impact Products and The Safety Zone brands to our brand family.

Reasons Facility Managers Should View Urinal Mats as an Investment
Reasons Facility Managers Should View Urinal Mats as an Investment

Reasons Facility Managers Should View Urinal Mats as an Investment

A new generation of urinal mats have been designed to help keep restrooms odor free and clean.

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Impact of Baby Changing Tables on Facility Managers and Cleaning Professionals
Impact of Baby Changing Tables on Facility Managers and Cleaning Professionals

Impact of Baby Changing Tables on Facility Managers and Cleaning Professionals

The law says baby changing tables must be physically safe, sanitary, and appropriate.

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Why We Could All Use Sherlock Holmes in Our Restrooms
Why We Could All Use Sherlock Holmes in Our Restrooms

Why We Could All Use Sherlock Holmes in Our Restrooms

Ultraviolet flashlights can reveal hidden soils on surfaces, fixtures, floors, and walls in a restroom.

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Everything You Wanted to Know About Soap Dispensers and More
Everything You Wanted to Know About Soap Dispensers and More

Everything You Wanted to Know About Soap Dispensers and More

While dispensers come in various shapes and styles, the goal with Impact Products is to provide dispensers that will look attractive no matter where they are installed

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Understanding the Menstrual Equity Movement
Understanding the Menstrual Equity Movement

Understanding the Menstrual Equity Movement

The menstrual equity movement started about a decade ago and has been recently picking up steam.

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New Generation of Urinal Screens Find Their Way into Posh LA Hotels
New Generation of Urinal Screens Find Their Way into Posh LA Hotels

New Generation of Urinal Screens Find Their Way into Posh LA Hotels

Next-generation urinal screens have a more upscale appearance that adds to a restroom's décor.

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Can Anyone Avoid Urinal Splash-Back?
Can Anyone Avoid Urinal Splash-Back?

Can Anyone Avoid Urinal Splash-Back?

Urinal splash-back can cause urine and water to get on clothing, floors, walls and create odors.

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The Impact of the Menstrual Equity Movement on Personal Care Products
The Impact of the Menstrual Equity Movement on Personal Care Products

The Impact of the Menstrual Equity Movement on Personal Care Products

More and more women expect the installation of sanitary napkin dispensers in businesses.

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The Question Every Man Wants Answered: Why is There Ice in the Urinal?
The Question Every Man Wants Answered: Why is There Ice in the Urinal?

The Question Every Man Wants Answered: Why is There Ice in the Urinal?

Many bars and restaurants place ice in urinals and it's been a common practice for over 100 years.

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